It’s 1:00AM and I’m Still Up

25 08 2010

Here I sit. It is 1:00AM and in just a short 14 hours I will be jetting eastward to Japan. I should be sleeping or even packing but not me. I’m downloading software into my new Mac Pro. Like I said in my last post I have an endless supply of desire to improve my videography, photography and even my writing but lack both the talent and confidence to make a go of it. So instead of thinking about and packing sock, shirts and underwear, I am installing Final Cut Studio and Adobe CS4 onto my new Mac.

It is my goal to document every moment of my travels through Japan. Seriously there is no way I’m going to spend the time and money to lug cameras, tripods and computers half way around the world and let a little thing like talent and confidence stand in the way of art, though be it really bad art. No sir not me so this is the kick-off of my little adventure into media. For better or worse I am going to leave my digital mark on the world. For my two friends who may follow me or  those of you, who stumble across my little blog or videos I hope you enjoy the adventures of the worlds most uninteresting man. (YouTube – Kickoff to Japan and this vlog thing)