More Meandering Ramblings With No Focus

24 08 2010

For sometime I have wanted to take great pictures and make interesting videos. I went out and bought all the camera’s, tripods and editing software. However I ran into one big problem. I am kind of chicken to point the camera at something, anything and turn  on the camera or snap a picture. I guess at the end of the day I know I am not much of an artist though I have lots of desire but I think I lack the much needed talent.  Well, I am, I think, maybe slowly changing my fear into action. It is starting out simply with snapping a quick photo and posting it on  Dailybooth. (jeepcapt on DailyBooth)

In a few days I am taking a trip to Japan with my friend Alex and his fiancee Michelle. I am going to pack few cloths and lots of camera gear. I plan to document as much of my tip as I possibly can. I will post everything I can through this blog, Dailybooth, YouTube, Twitter and my Facebook. I hope the five or six (or two) people who enjoy the randomness I post will enjoy following my little journey.

So a few days ago I made a tweet and a commitment to Project Lose an Olson Twin (PLOT) This was inspired by YouTube star  Philip DeFranco. I am three days into PLOT and so far I can report Epic Fail. I spent the weekend enjoying a good friends wedding and hanging out with Alex. When you enjoy the company of good friends in a festive environment much food and beer are consumed. Instead of dropping a pound or two I seem to be adding another layer to my winter insulation. Not to mention I am so unfit that just after one outing at Lifetime my hamstrings feel like tweaked piano wires. Ouch! Oh well I have to keep the motivation up and make it back to LifeTime.

I spend way to much time watching on line videos. This comes from being the worlds most uninteresting man. Here are two links to young videographers that I throughly enjoy and I hope you do to. The first video is a sick little “Day in the Life” skate video Tom Knox Day In The Life on Vimeo The Second is a show real from some young Norwegian. If you like free style ski and skate video check it out. Tomas Aamli Reel 2010 on Vimeo