2011 New Years Resolutions

3 01 2011

So I guess this is as good of time as any to say yeah I’m making another attempt at a new years resolution. I have always had lofty goals, maybe to lofty. It seems I’m very good at starting new years resolutions but not so good at seeing them through. This year is going to be different (I said that last year too) I can feel change coming. Ok I feel motivated. In order for me to maximize my success I have decided to limit my resolutions to three things. One: Post at least one video/vlog each week. Two: Make at least one blog posting every week. Should be easy right? We will see.

On a different note. Tomorrow I set off for Seattle to pick up one of my friends 2 year old son and bring him back to Minneapolis. Moe had spent two years in Iraq. His first deployment was shortly before his son was born. Moe’s second deployment was shortly after his sons first birthday. The constant long deployments have taken a toll on Moe’s marriage and sadly this past October he and his wife went their separate ways. I wanted to give something more than a Christmas card to my friend. A gift certificate or an iPod felt hollow, so I offered to escort his son from Minneapolis where he and his mother live to Seattle where Moe is based. Since I work for an airline the original play was for me to have Moe buy his son a round trip ticket between Minneapolis and Seattle and I would fly on a Non-Revenue employee pass. At the last minute I got cold feet and decided to buy my own ticket on the legs I would be accompanying Moe’s son. The first half of the trip went off without a hitch. However, tomorrow all the flight to Seattle are book solid.  I hope I can no-rev to Seattle, if not I’m going to have to do some smooth talking to the Delta agents in the hopes they can not only get me to Seattle but also rebook me and Moe’s son on a later flight. This is turning out to be one expensive Christmas gift. Oh well one gift worth all the money and headache and I would do it again in a heart beat.